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Ran the 6 mile loop before the 50k so finished with 38.7 miles and an average 9:25 Pace. I think I finished the 50k run around a 5:04 time. I have 6 more miles to pickup all the signs once the last runner starts their last loop. Finished my 7th loop sweeping the course (picking […]
Today I finished marathon #35 (#25 of 30+ miles) at the Blackwater 50k. Ended up running 35 miles and I can already tell I’m going to sleep good tonight!
I volunteered to be the sweeper at the Blackwater 50k and added some extra miles after, finishing up with 36 miles on the trails. Legs feel pretty normal too so it was a success. I wanted to go longer but the sweeping added an extra 3-4 hours to my run so I figured I’ll add […]