An Inspirational Journey
Running Away From Cancer

Finished Marathon #50

Today I got to finish my 50th marathon while running with new and old friends. There were a lot of people out running today, which was great to see. My friend Jennifer was in town so she was able to come and run the last 7 miles with me. It was another great, beautiful Florida day to get up and go running. After running a 50 miler, 50k and a 26.2 marathon on the past 3 Saturdays, I’m going to ease down for a little while and take a break from real long runs in the heat.

Here’s my current logged runs:

Total Marathons: 50
Marathons (28 miles or less): 12
Ultras (30 miles are greater): 38
Ultras (50 miles are greater): 9
Ultras (100 kilometers or greater): 2

Running Away From Cancer
Instead of sitting around waiting to die, get out and live your life.