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Out of the nine who started, only four of us completed the battle. It was not easy and was very challenging. Worst conditions to do a run or hike on the trails with everything overgrown, debris everywhere and flooding from the storms. The last 30 mile stretch to the finish was at the beach with […]
I wanted to test everything out before others do the route so I figured I’d run it solo for my birthday run (not until the 9th). Definitely some concerns on the trail due to tropical storm Claudette from a few weeks ago. I’ll discuss this with the group this next week.
After running with Rigo, Bill and everyone, I ventured off for some more miles. Once I got back to my car, Rigo had left some donut holes from the Milton Bakery and a Gatorade for me.
Finished the Lake Martin 100 miler (my 67th marathon) and finally got my belt buckle. It was a great weekend spent with a lot of great friends. Congrats to everyone there and thanks to everyone out there supporting and helping each other. Good times for sure.
I may not have finished Pinhoti 100, but marathon #58 was a success in my books. Overall, I felt good throughout the entire run. I just couldn’t climb up Pinnacle fast enough to make the cutoff time. That was the last high climb and I missed it by about 5 minutes. The cut off time […]
Finished a nice 30 Mile training run today (marathon #54) running a majority of it with Katey and Zoey. I started about 3:50 am to get some of the cooler side of weather and glad I did as it started heating up in the morning. Now it’s time to taper down the next month for […]
Finished a nice 50 mile adventure yesterday from sunrise to sunset with a great group of adventurers (Mark, Matthew, Bernice). Started “south of…
The Antelope Canyon 50 miler was definitely my most challenging and awesome race by far. I walked about the last 13-15 miles and had an official finishing time of 12:23. I highly recommend visiting Page, Arizona sometime and going on the tours of the canyons! Videos of Running Through One Of The Slot Canyons Antelope Canyon
Finished over 31 miles with Mark R. on my last big long run before my final 2 ultras this season. It was great running with everyone (Bill and Tommy joined in for some miles) and I’ll see you all at Lake Martin next month!
Ran the 6 mile loop before the 50k so finished with 38.7 miles and an average 9:25 Pace. I think I finished the 50k run around a 5:04 time. I have 6 more miles to pickup all the signs once the last runner starts their last loop. Finished my 7th loop sweeping the course (picking […]
Finished my 44th marathon distance run at the UWF trails and finished 31.9 miles based on the trailhead map distances (I ran red trail, white trail, blue trail and yellow trail). My watch was set on auto pause and it kept dinging constantly the whole run. I was just going to do the red/white/blue trails […]
Finished 33 miles today, which now makes 41 marathon distance runs with 31 of them being 30+ miles! That makes 41 marathons in 7 years! Since I’m pacing a training group, my miles are split between different consecutive runs, which normally include (run from home to Running Wild, training program run then run back home).
Finished my 40th marathon distance run (and 30th ultramarathon distance run of 30+ miles) today! Feeling good and blessed to run with friends and help runners reach distances they’ve never accomplished before!
Felt good running the US Whitewater Center 50k with all the trails and elevation in North Carolina! It was especially great as I got to stay with my sister Lisa (who lives there) and see a lot of family who lives in the area. It’s more about the memories and visiting families than the actual […]
Finished a total of 30 miles this morning. Started early and got 15 miles in before heading to the store and pace 15 more miles. This brings it to 38 marathon runs (28 of them being 30 miles or much greater)!
Started before 3am and got 18 miles before I paced the 4:30 group. I then paced the 4:30 marathon group 13 miles so that makes a total of 31 miles for the morning. Another ultramarathon distance to the books!
This was definitely the most muddiest trail I’ve ever been on! Definitely worked out some new muscles from having to pull each shoe from the sticky mud each step.
Today I finished marathon #35 (#25 of 30+ miles) at the Blackwater 50k. Ended up running 35 miles and I can already tell I’m going to sleep good tonight!